Sunday, April 26, 2009

All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around

Friday :

Went school damn early.
i tot i lost my exam paper. haha

They said got no exam that day
MamaPapa =.="
so i went mcD with hy and esther
cz i damn hungry. haha..
was waiting for veron's msg.

( tell me when she's reaching school)

mana tau she didn't receive my msn msg.
so she's waiting for my msg =.=

(that i reached school)

salah faham kao kao.
but we didn't chou

thn saw pn chong.. wanna ask her something.
so yeah, went pejabat. haha.
thn come down.
saw ong sern tai
chat for awhile
chat chat chat.

go see 4 belian's clock
rush back to dewan. HAHA

After that is KH
we must draw the.. dono wat ortografik or sth like that @@
damn hard to draw lor
not reli hard lar, but.. damn .. luan @@
Thanks ru en, for helping me. ^^

Rehat, helped teacher.
go 1 mawar find some girl .. haha
tak bagi saya merit pun
PILIH KASIH! >.<"! nvm. i x kisah. LOL after rehat, talked like pn limm
Me Class

"Gooood afternoon classs"
(sounds like pn lim)

"Good afternoon miss susan"
"HAHA, im pn lim lar, pass up ur maths homework now"
"DOWAN AR. u choi aR? whack me lar "

so stupid

THn seni
thn english

haha. played bball in class with tw and ys. Lols
don care :P

Pjk.. sitting there doing nothing
that sh and veron kacao me laar T.T
bully saya mia @@

Ru en damn emo =(

sch bell rang, ciaoz


Went Kota Damansara
for steamboat
Saw suek yee there. WAhahaha xD

Nothing much bout today
whole day studying maths
omg T.T

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