Friday, April 10, 2009

Kok seam's farewell party :D Part1

Heyyys :D

today i Reached school at 12.46
veron is earlier by 2 mins :O
sha yee is late today
she asked me to go school at 12
luckily i never.
hahah :P

sha yee come adi we pinjam canteen's fridge to simpan our cake. hahah
after that we went Dk court
thought eddy would be there but he's not there
i asked kim too, she said eddy's not with her o.O

after that we walk to celine's house
ermm. is that some tuition or what? o.O
we waited outside. for 3 mins. haha
for helen and sok hui
they're tuitioning =)

after meeting them, we go back to school again
thn we go McD =D
reached mcD, saw kok seam
and the gang laar =.=

thn take pictures lor
hahah =D

wahahaha kok seam smiled! :D

kena cake
wash face firstt xD

cacat cake
dono who cut de
ahaha xD

after that we go back to school
almost late O.O

im suppose to go bengkel. for the kayu project rmb?
but we need to go dewan for the larian thingie
so yea, delayed half an hour there
wahseh T.T

after this, we go bengkel lor
take kayu, take glue, and the paku paku and stuffs
suddeny pn kang say
times up


pn kang said she'll give us extra period next week
next week must pass up adi T.T

after Kh is rehat lor..
sang bday song to helen =)
cause sunday is her birthday! =D
same with mun lok lor.
wah so ngam ;)

thn take picture lor. haha
after rehat we go back to class lor

take picture again O.O
using ru en and sha yee's camera =)

9 9 stalker

my fone cha laar
so little memory T.T

WAH! marcus soo O.O
they got free period
all chao-ing dota/cs

after tat is PJK :D
evryone signed in kok seam's WHITE SHIRT
ahahah :D

after school.
when i go out

can see inside adi :x

took veron's water and spray her too :DD
thx veron! ahaha =D

[ this is what i got from my fone - PICTURES up there ]

thats all for today i guess.
more picture's coming up soon! =D
im waiting for ru en and sha yee send me those pics

so yaeh,
be patientt =)

All the best
KokSeam, chong ;)

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