Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eventhough you knows that i still love you

let me tell you sth..
why last few weeks i cannot online?
i know u feel weird lar
24/7 on de susantho
suddenly 24/7 off
(hmm. mm tong 7eleven zhap lap jor?)

CHoiiiiiiiii choiii choiii!!

you guys Sure miss me like hell already lar. hahah

like this how to online wor..
let's see what's the password hint.

Neh neh ni bu bu!?

i bet its for me..

Cannot online lor..
happy bor??
[eff euu cc kayy :]

i rmb last time chiyew asked me
"u cant live without msn rite?"
"Ahhh-Buuu-Dennn? ;)"

but now?
hey im still alive.
hohoh ;D

hahah wth
what am i going to do without msn/blog/fs/fb?

go shoppinggg!! ;D
(not alone)


yeee i loook damn weird lor


Haha im bored.


Go out!! Wheeeeeeeee. =D
with anybody. hahah (:

when im bored. i will luan luan take pic
take dao what i also dono.. ==

3 colours 1 aaa XD
(kai shen mo wan siao! =)

LOL! geng lehhhh.
last time white like anything only
see now.
mangkali eat kari
dark like dono what only.

AFter that lehh..

Go schooooooooool lor..
my life is full of sien-ness wehhhhh.
somebody, TAKE ME OUT!! =(

only time will tell

Sms bonus: 100
Wahahah im gonna text like siao zha bo ((:

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