today is a good day. AHAH
i, no i mean, WE laughed like a retarded whole day in class :)
like finally ^.^
i rmb 3 weeks ago (before holiday)
i was damn emo whole day
maybe because i dont like my class :(
i srsly dont like 3 dahlia and i dont know why
it's damn boring
eventhough i have this gang of retarded monkey with me ♥
maybe im reli lifeless , thaat time .
not anymore from now on :DD
today , pn hasmida potong-ed our steam
ISH :(
we were laughing like CRAZY behind.
then kena potohg
alah D:
we got damn alot free periods today xD
i was sitting on the floor at the back
damn emo hahah
i wish someone was there.. TO TAKE PICTURE HEHEH. :p
oh btw , i enjoyed reading ur karangan, ASH =D
uuuu seriously, made my day ahaha.
loveu? ;D
hahah my emo period was damn funny la weih
i was asking around
" sigh, what if i die ar? will you miss me ? will u miss my laughter when u watch movie in cinemas? will u miss my retardedness in class? seriously, will you? D: "
ahaha xD
SH , YOU TOO. dont la so emo xD
she was telling me the same thing too. AHAH
thn i was like
' OI, dont do stupid things, god gave u awesome life and u have to appreciate it, not like mee D:"
ahahah thn i started to EMO againn.
Heeh. =X
thn.. i dun rmb what happened after that @@
OKAY, im done. HEHE. ciao ciao :)
"oh shit, i got headache for 2 days (non-stop)
am i dying? D: "